How it Works

In short, our focus in Web3 is to build an autonomous world that is globally state-verifiable, traceable, and self-evolving. This system consists of the following core components:

  1. WORLD3 Brain: Similar to Microsoft's Copilot, the Metaverse Brain can answer users' questions based on the latest and historical states of the world, helping users engage with the world, whether it's through experiences, interactions, or content creation. It can even autonomously create content, thereby changing the state of the world.

  2. WORLD3 State Management (World State Management Git): This is a fundamental service responsible for managing the global state of the entire autonomous world. All important state information is stored on the Bitcoin network through hash functions, and we provide an L2 solution to optimize and store large-scale data, ensuring that all content can be verified and traced on the Bitcoin network but also efficiently stored and retrieved on L2.

  3. WORLD3 Economy: The Economy includes the tokens, incentivisation mechanisms for creators. Creators can earn incentives for building dApps and launching content on top of WORLD3

Through this architecture, users can interact with our Brain and Git core systems. Users can connect to decentralized blockchains (centered on Bitcoin and other Turing-complete chains), create and expand their applications, and build various economic and autonomous models. All states can be tracked and verified on-chain, and with AI support, the autonomous world can achieve self-evolution.

This system ensures:

  • Verifiable and Traceable Global State: Utilizing the security and decentralization of the Bitcoin network.

  • Efficient Storage and Operation: Optimizing storage and performance through the L2 solution.

  • Intelligent User Experience: Enhancing user engagement and content creation experience through the AI Brain.

Ultimately, our goal is to create a highly autonomous, open, and intelligent ecosystem that provides users with a sustainable and continuously evolving virtual world.

Last updated