What are Autonomous Worlds?

“Their digital physics are open and transparent, and no permissioned actor is allowed to change them without a collective agreement from their inhabitants” -AW Network

Autonomous Worlds (AW) is a concept that has existed for a long time and can be viewed as the ultimate destination of decentralized applications (dApps). The core features of Autonomous Worlds include:

  • Autonomy: AWs have self-governance powered by smart contracts, on-chain voting, etc. Additionally, they should be able to self-evolve. This means that the World's state should get updated with more data.

  • Decentralization: They are not controlled by a single body. Instead, they should be run by the individuals. The source of truth of the blockchain should be stored on-chain. The data can include transactions, user activity, tradable assets, and even the proofs of AI!

  • Self-sustainability: Self-sustaining is a key component which allows AWs to not rely on an individual to exist. Even if a user (player/creator/developer) or a UGC application is removed from the World, it should not affect the existence of the World.

  • Transparency: The data and the state of the world should be transparent for anyone to view. As the data is stored on a public blockchain, it allows users to validate it's authenticity at anytime.

  • Expandability: The world should be expandable by the users. Anyone should be able to build content and dApps without restrictions.

  • User Sovereignty: Anyone can become part of the world at anytime. Users who are part of the world, should own the world collectively.

  • Global Accessibility: The world is accessible from anywhere, without requiring special access. Users should be able to build custom


[1] AW: https://aw.network/posts/the-case-for-autonomous-worlds

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